The global prefix for this bot is r! you can customise it as you want as you have manage server permission. If you still don't know what prefix used in the server, just mention RozBot or @RozBot to view the bot prefix used.

To view short help or commands usage for this bot, just type r!help and press enter it.

There have a lot commands that you can use it and sometimes will change it as live update. There are different kinds of commands. To interact the bot just type r!(commands) then enter it.

Before you go to the commands list, we will give you Information about fill the brackets,

( ) = Required to fill it

[ ] = Optional to fill it

😄 Fun

  1. flip : Play with flip a coin.
  2. hack, heck : Start playing fun hack game.
  3. reverse (your text)  :  Send a reverse text message.
  4. meter (characteristic) : Test a skill of characteristic that you have it in percent %.
  5. rabbit : Get a cute random rabbit images.
  6. hug [@user/id] : Get hugs from someone or my bot.
  7. chill : Makes you calm and relax...
  8. math : Solve an easy math question in 15 seconds.
  9. panda : Get an awesome panda picture.
  10. ship (@user) (@user2) : Get a calculate relationship in 0-10 scales. 
  11. 8ball (yes/no question) : Get a prediction lucky from 8ball.

🔨 Utility

  1. say (your text) : Repeats what you just typed.
  2. roll : Roll a dice.
  3. avatar [@user/id] : Show the avatar someone or yourself with link.
  4. userinfo [@user/id] : Show the user information someone or yourself.
  5. serverinfo, sinfo : Get the server information.
  6. servericon, sicon : Get the server's icon with link.
  7. ping : Count the ping how long your respond and bot respond to the discord.
  8. guild : How many bot has joined the server.
  9. serveremoji, semoji, servmoji : Get an emoji list from the guild.
  10. rolelist, rlist : Get a role list from the guild. 
  11. serverinvite, sinvite : Get a server invite link from a randomized channels.
  12. hypesquad (houses: balance, brilliance, bravery) : Make an awesome avatar with HypeSquad Frame.
  13. number [min] [max] : Get a randomized number with custom ranges.
  14. permissions (@user/id) : Show your access permission or someone in the server.
  15. webhook : Create a magic webhook then get token trough the DM.
  16. calc [Equation] : Calculate and get result of the simple math arithmetic equation. 
  17. link [url] [description] : Create an embeded with link and description. So it simple way to remain the unusual original embed.
  18. splash : Get an image of invite background if it is available.

🔒 Moderation

  1. prefix (character) : Change the prefix for the server (require permission: Manage Message).
  2. ban (@user/id number) (reason) : Ban the member from the server and send warning to their DM (require permission: Ban Members, doesn't purge the messages).
  3. kick (@user/id number) (reason) : Kick the member from the server  and send warning to their DM (require permission: Kick Members).
  4. unban (user id number/user#tag) (reason) : Unban the user from the server  and send information to their DM (require permission: Ban Members).
  5. clear, purge, prune (amount) : Purge the messages as amount of messages (require permission: Manage Message).
  6. warn (@user/id number) (reason) : Send a warning message to their DM (require permission: Manage Message).
  7. warnings (@user/id) : Show a warning list from you or someone.
  8. mute (@user/id number) : Mute a member from the guild (require permission: Mute Members).
  9. unmute (@user/id number) : Unmute a member from the guild (require permission: Mute Members).
  10. modlog (on/off/channel #channel) : Set logging for moderation (require permission: Administrator, Manage Server).
  11. ignorelog : Ignore the current channel to logging.
  12. cleanwarn (@user/id) : Clear all warns from user (require permission: Manage Messages).
  13. banlist : View all banned members with reason in list.
  14. welcome (on/off/channel #channel) : Set welcome message to channel when user joined. (require permission: Manage Channels)
  15. goodbye (on/off/channel #channel) : Set goodbye message to channel when user left. (require permission: Manage Channels)


  1. sonikku : Get a sweet random images of Sonic OC NSFW. 
  2. rule34 (tag) : Get a sweet lewd random images from rule34

🐺 Random Sonic Pictures

  1. Tails : Get an awesome Miles Tails Prower pictures.
  2. Cream : Get an awesome Cream the rabbit pictures.
  3. Bunnie : Get an awesome Bunnie Rabbot D'coolette pictures.

🎵 YouTube Music 

  1. play (YouTube link/keyword) : Play song from YouTube or searching the song as keyword to play it. (Queue supported)
  2. np : Show a current song playing title (Now playing).
  3. pause : Pause the current song.
  4. stop : Stop playing song and bot leaving the voice channel.
  5. skip : Skip current playing a song.
  6. resume : Continue playing a song.
  7. queue : Show a queue song list.
  8. loop : Make a song repeat to play.
  9. volume (amount 1-100) : Change a volume song to bot.

📦 Miscellaneous

  1. botinfo : Show Bot Information
  2. invite, support : Show invite the bot link for your server and bot supports.
  3. news : Get some hot news from us.
  4. leaderboard : Show Rozi's Friends top members.
  5. botinfo : Show bot's information.
  6. donate : Support and donate Rozi Vector Development.
  7. request (your message) : send a suggestion request message to bot owner.
  8. contact (your issue) : send a problem with our bot facilities.
  9. versions, ver, codename : show an information about RozBot Versions.

You can use r!help (command) to get more information about it.

That's all our commands and will update as it available.